Occupational Purpose

Occupational Tasks

  • Plan and prepare inclusive activities to support the holistic development and well-being of children (NQF Level 4)
  • Facilitate and mediate appropriate holistic learning of every child (NQF Level 5)
  • Observe, assess and record each child's progress according to the age and stage (NQF Level 4)
  • Develop reports of children's development and learning (NQF Level 4)
  • Promote the well-being, health, safety and protection of children (NQF Level 4)

Occupational Task Details

Plan and prepare inclusive activities to support the holistic development and well-being of children (NQF Level 4)
Occupational Responsibilities:
  • Plan and prepare programmes and/or curriculum and routines to meet national standards for early childhood development, practising inclusivity
  • Organise different age- and stage-appropriate activities to develop a variety of skills of children
  • Establish stimulating learning areas and provide appropriate resources and equipment to support play and learning
  • Administer and maintain records of children's progress
  • Learning programme planning and preparation process
  • Work with others to plan and schedule activities with differentiation
  • Facilitate and mediate active learning in an integrated and holistic learning programme in a variety of settings
  • Supervise and discipline children in age and stage appropriate ways
  • Guide and care for all children according to their individual needs
Occupational Contexts:
Develop reports of children's development and learning (NQF Level 4)
  • Evaluate information and records of children's development and learning
  • Use information from a range of assessment methods and documentation to develop reports on children's development and learning
  • Reflect on own practice to identify gaps for interventions
  • Reflect on the learning programme to maintain high-quality standard of provision
  • Maintain a high level of ethics and professionalism to foster excellence in teaching practice
  • Plan and develop for continuous professional development
  • Support and participate in research to improve teaching and learning


  • 234201000-KM-01, Introduction to the early childhood development sector, NQF Level 4, Credits 4
  • 234201000-KM-02, Theories and Perspectives of Child Development, NQF Level 5, Credits 6
  • 234201000-KM-03, Planning and Programme Development in Early Childhood Settings, NQF Level 4, Credits 8
  • 234201000-KM-04, Facilitation and mediation of active learning, NQF Level 5, Credits 12
  • 234201000-KM-05, Observation and assessment in early childhood development, NQF Level 4, Credits 4
  • 234201000-KM-06, Promotion of health, safety and well-being of children, NQF Level 4, Credits 6
  • 234201000-KM-07, Administration for early childhood development services and programmes, NQF Level 3, Credits 3


  • 234201000-PM-01, Plan and prepare inclusive educational activities and routines using an approved programme based on the curriculum framework, NQF Level 4, Credits 12
  • 234201000-PM-02, Facilitate and mediate active learning in an integrated and holistic learning programme, NQF Level 5, Credits 9
  • 234201000-PM-03, Observe, assess, record and report each child's progress according to the age and stage, NQF Level 4, Credits 4
  • 234201000-PM-04, Support and promote the health, nutrition, safety, protection and well-being of children, NQF Level 4, Credits 12
  • 234201000-PM-05, Build and maintain collaborative relationships with parents and other service providers, NQF Level 4, Credits 3
  • 234201000-PM-06, Prepare and maintain administrative systems, NQF Level 3, Credits 3

List of Work Experience Module Specifications

  • 234201000-WM-01, Learning programme and routines planning and preparation process, NQF Level 4, Credits 13
  • 234201000-WM-02, Processes of facilitating and mediating the learning programme in a variety of contexts, NQF Level 4, Credits 15
  • 234201000-WM-03, Processes of observation, assessment, recording and reporting on children's learning and development, NQF Level 4, Credits 7
  • 234201000-WM-04, Processes and procedures of promoting the health, nutrition, safety, protection and well-being of children in an early childhood development setting, NQF Level 4, Credits 10

An Early Childhood Development Practitioner plans and prepares early childhood activities, facilitates and mediates learning, observes and assesses children's progress, and reflects on learning in an inclusive, play-based environment to support the holistic development of children (from conception to school going) in different centre-based or non-centre-based settings.

Unique Product or Service:

Quality inclusive early childhood practice that meets the needs of the child, parents and community

 Occupational Contexts:

 Facilitate and mediate appropriate holistic learning of every child (NQF Level 5)

Unique Product or Service:

A child who is holistically developed and has strong foundations for personal happiness, social, academic, and economic success and life-long learning

Occupational Responsibilities:


Processes of mediating and facilitating the learning programme in a variety of contexts

Observe, assess and record each child's progress according to the age and stage (NQF Level 4)

Unique Product or Service:

Children's behaviour and growth progress are recorded and reported

Occupational Responsibilities:


Occupational Contexts:



Unique Product or Service:

Comprehensive child's progress report

Occupational Responsibilities:

Occupational Contexts:

Processes and procedures of promoting the well-being, health, safety and protection of children in an early childhood development setting

Promote the well-being, health, safety and protection of children (NQF Level 4)

Unique Product or Service:

Good practice and professionalism in the early childhood development programmes

Occupational Responsibilities:

Occupational Contexts:

Processes and procedures of planning and designing own professional development and quality improvement


List of Knowledge Modules for which Specifications are included

List of Practical Skill Module Specifications